Study Guide for the Numerical Analysis Prelim, Summer, 2001

Tuesday, August 14, 2001, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, MDD 206
  • Faculty consultant: R. Baker Kearfott, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette



    Office hours and telephone, Email:

    The examination will consist of problems as listed below, or of similar problems. The exam will be open-book, and will last four hours.  The problems will come from
  • the Neumaier manuscript,
  • problems that were specially assigned in class,
  • problems from the CSRP online text,
  • problems from D. Kincaid and E. W. Cheney, Numerical Analysis, Brooks / Cole, 1992.
  • problems from W. F. Ames, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Academic Press,  Boston, 1992.
  • For review, look over the following:
    1. the assignments from Fall, 2000, in
    2. the assignments from Spring, 2001, in
    3. certain problems from certain previous comprehensive examinations. Postscript and PDF (Adobe Acrobat)  copies of these prelims are available at the bottom of this page.   The problems to study are as follows.
      1. Summer, 1990 3, 4.
      2. Winter, 1991: All
      3. Summer, 1992: 1, 3, 4
      4. Summer, 1993: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
      5.  Summer, 1998: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

    If you need references for specific problems or have questions about particular terminology, etc., please contact me at

    Postscript Copies of Previous Preliminary Examinations

  • Summer, 1990
  • Winter, 1991
  • Summer, 1992
  • Summer, 1993
  • Summer, 1998


    Adobe Acrobat (PDF) Copies of Previous Preliminary Examinations

  • Summer, 1990
  • Winter, 1991
  • Summer, 1992
  • Summer, 1993
  • Summer, 1998

  • Note: The exam will be open book, but it will be fairly lengthy, so you will need to prepare well.