Math. 302-02, Fall, 2003 Hints for the Exams

Instructor: R. Baker Kearfott, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Office hours and telephone, Email:

Click here for the home page for the course.

This page will change throughout the semester.

/ The First Exam / The Second Exam / The Third Exam / The Fourth Exam / The Final Exam /

Note:  Previously given exams are available below in Postscript format, that can be printed with a Postscript printer.  The files can also be viewed and printed with Ghostscript and GSview. I have also provided Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copies.

The First Exam:
Postscript copy of the first exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the first exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2

The Second Exam:
The second exam will be Friday, September 26.  Be able to do the following:

  1. Be able to compute first- and second-order partial derivatives of a function, and know what these derivatives mean.
  2. Be able to work a word problem involving gradients and directional derivatives.
  3. Be able to use the chain rule for functions of two variables in a word problem.
  4. Understand (and be able to write down) the tangent plane for a function of two variables.
Postscript copy of the second exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the second exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2

The Third Exam:
The third exam will be Monday, October 20.  Be able to do the following:

  1. Find and classify all critical points of a function of two variables.
  2. Find the global minimum and global maximum of a function defined within a closed and bounded region.
  3. Use Lagrange multipliers to find the maximum and minimum of a function over a curve defined by an equality constraint.
You will be able to solve the systems of equations you obtain by hand.  However, you should know the material well, as you may be slightly short of time.

Postscript copy of the third exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the third exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2
Answers, page 3

The Fourth Exam
The fourth exam will be Thursday, November 13.  The exam will be closed-book. Be able to do the following:

  1. Set up and evaluate an integral using polar coordinates.
  2. Set up and evaluate an integral over a plane region using rectangular coordinates.
  3. Set up and evaluate a triple integral using either rectangular or spherical coordinates.
  4. Compute arc length, given a curve's parametrization.
  5. Parametrize some commonly occurring curves.
  6. Determine whether two objects collide, whether the paths of two objects intersect, and whether the path of an object intersects a surface.
Postscript copy of the fourth exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the fourth exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2
Answers, page 3

The Final Exam
The final exam will be on Monday, December 1, 2003 at 7:30AM in our normal class meeting room (MDD 302). Be prepared to do the following:

  1. Compute the equation of a plane through three points.
  2. Compute and use tangent planes, tangent regions (for functions of 3 variables), and differentials
  3. Compute the average value of a function of three variables.  Here, you will be required to write down an exact expression, not a numerical approxximation.  You will also need to know about integration using cylindrical and/or spherical coordinates.
  4. Use Green's theorem.
  5. Compute a flux integral. Here, you will need to know about parametrizing surfaces.
  6. Compute a line integral.  Here, you will need to know about parametrizing curves.
Postscript copy of the final exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the final exam
Answers, page 1
Answers, page 2
Answers, page 3