Notation for Scholarly Works Involving Interval Computations

R. Baker Kearfott

There have been several notations in common use in the literature on interval computations. However, consistency has been lacking in separate papers written by different researchers. There has been a suggestion that the notation described in my recent book, Rigorous Global Search: Continuous Problems be used as a standard. Click on one of the following for details of this notation.

Although this notation is not official, and has not been fully discussed among researchers in interval computations, I am making generic versions of the LaTeX files from my book available upon request. A small file that has the essentials described in the DVI and Postscript explanations above is ivl_ess.sty.

To get the complete set of definitions in the book Rigorous Global Search, you need the following set of files:

  1. reptdefs.tex
  2. report-specials.tex
  3. general-defs.tex

Each of these files is needed for the entire set of definitions. To use, put the line \input reptdefs.tex in the LaTeX file. One suggested modification is to use lower case boldface, rather than upper case boldface for interval vectors, and to reserve uppercase for matrices and higher-order tensors.