Work: The required work for the course will consist of the written assignments and a project. Following Prof. Christov's policy, up to six problems from each chapter will be graded. These problems will be approved individually for each student from a list of up to 10 problems submitted by each student. (If the student does longer problems, especially ones involving extensive computer programming, then the student will not be required to do as many problems.)
The project will be agreed upon through individual consultation between the student and the instructor. Students should make an appointment to do this consultation.
Grading: A numerical grade and a letter grade (A, A-, B+, B, B-, etc.) will be given for each assignment and the project. The project will count as two assignments. The letter grades (4.0, 3.8, 3.6, 3.4, 3.2, etc.) will be averaged to determine the final letter grade.