Math. 556-01, Spring, 1998 Assignments

/ Assignments / Exams /
This list is updated as the assignments are made and exam dates are set.

1. For Wednesday, January 21:

2. For Monday, February 2:

3. For Friday, February 6:
4. For Friday, February 20:
This assignment deals with material from the article J, S. Walker, "Fourier Analysis and Wavelet Analysis, Notices of the AMS 44(6), July, 1997, pp. 658--670.
5. For Monday, March 9:
  1. 7.15, (a) and (b) only
  2. Use Householder transformations to transform the matrix
    1. [ 2 -1  0  0
       -1  2 -1  0
        0 -1  2 -1
        0  0 -1  2 ]

    to upper Hessenberg form. (Hint: refer to Proposition 6.12 on page 349.)

  3. Simplify the statement of Theorem 7.49 when M is the identity matrix. In the restatement of the theorem, use A instead of K and lambda instead of mu. That is, state the Gershgorin theorem for the special case of the standard eigenvalue problem A v = lambda v.
  4. 7.6
6. For Friday, March 13:
  1. Use Theorem 9.4 and a degree 3 interpolating polynomial at x=-1, x=0, and x=1 to give a better bound on the error in Simpson's rule than that given in class.
7. For Friday, March 20, 1998:
Do the following to hand in: 9.2, 9.6 (use Fortran or Matlab).
Think about this one, to be handed in later: 9.9.
8. For Monday, March 30, 1998:
9. For Monday, April 6:
Hand in 9.9.
10. For Wednesday, April 22:
11. For Wednesday, April 22, 1998:
12. For Wednesday, April 29, 1998:
This is a computer problem from the section on multigrid methods in Kincaid and Cheney: Program the V-cycle algorithm for the two-dimensional problem uxx + uyy = f(x,y), 0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1, u(x,y) = 0 on the boundary. Test the program using f(x,y) = 2x(x-1) + 2y(y-1). (The true solution is u(x,y) = xy(1-x)(1-y).)

Final exam:
  • The final exam is take-home, due on or before Monday, May 11, 1998 at 1:00 PM CDT. Click here for a Postscript copy.