Math. 555, Fall, 2008 Required Work and Grading
Work: The written assignments from the manuscript will be the work
in the course. In addition, the students are urged to find
mistakes. The I (R. B. Kearfott) will judge the significance of such
corrections and suggestions students submit, and, on my discretion, add
bonus points to the grade or substitute the suggestion or correction for
one or more problems from the official assignment.
There may be a final project, due the day of the final exam, or a final
exam. In either case, this will count as two or more assignments.
You may estimate your grade according to the following schedule:
90%-100% = "A";
80%-89% = "B";
65%-79% = "C";
50%-65% = "D";
<50% = "F".
(I compute percentages on each assignment, then average the percentages.)