Math. 555-01, Fall, 1997 Assignments

/ Assignments / Exams /
This list is updated as the assignments are made and exam dates are set.

1. For Friday, September 5:
  1. Read Section 1.1.
  2. Do problems 1.2 and 1.3 on page 53 of the text.
2. For Wednesday, September 10:
  1. Read and review all of Chapter 1 through Section 1.5
  2. Do problems 1.5 and 1.8 on pp. 54-55 of the text.
For Friday, September 12 :
  1. Read through Section 2.1 of the text.
  2. Read the handout, and read 2.2.1, pp. 78-82 of Rigorous Global Search: Continuous Problems (available on reserve in Dupre Library or on the Ultra system at /home/rbk5287/reports/opt-book/book.dvi or /home/rbk5287/reports/opt-book/ (Please only reproduce the relevant sections, to respect Kluwer's copyright.)
3. For Monday, September 15:
  1. Do problems 1.14, 1.16, and 1.17 on pp. 57-58 of the text.
  2. Study Section 2.1, and, in particular, the material on pp. 80-88 dealing with pivoting, factorizations of symmetric matrices, and iterative refinement.
4. For Wednesday, September 17:
  1. Hand in problems 2.1 and 2.2 on p. 121 of the text.
  2. Study section 2.2 (norms and condition numbers)
5. For Monday, September 22:
  1. Hand in problem 2.3, p. 121 and 2.9, p. 122 of the text.
6. For Friday, September 26:
  1. Study sections 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 of the text.
  2. Hand in exercises 2.17
For Wednesday, October 8 (tentative):
  1. Study all of Section 3.1 carefully.
7. For Monday, October 13:
  1. Hand in problems 2.22 and 2.23 from page 126.
8. For Monday, October 20:
  1. Study Sections 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 carefully.
  2. Hand in problems 3.1, 3.3, and 3.5 (use a divided difference table as indicated in class) from pp. 197--198
  3. Do problem 3.11 (you may use Netscape instead of FTP; start at
9. For Monday, October 27:
  1. Study Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 of the text.
  2. Hand in problems 4.1, 4.5, 4.7, and 4.12 on pp. 262-265.
10. For Friday, October 31:
  1. Problem 2.21, p. 125 of text.
11. For Monday, November 10:
  1. Hand in problem 4.15, p. 265 of text.
  2. Study sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the text.
  3. Study as much of section 5.3 as possible.
12. For Monday, November 24:
  1. Make sure sections 5.1, 5.2, quasi-Newton methods and continuation methods from 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 are thoroughly studied.
  2. Hand in problems 5.1 (you may use either MATLAB or Fortran), 5.2, 5.4.
13. For early next semester:
  1. Hand in 5.10.

Final exam:
The final exam will be in-class, open-book, on Friday, December 12 at 10:15-12:45, in the Conference Room (MDD 206). Pay careful attention to the following:
  1. The forward and backward modes of automatic differentiation, for both one and more than one variable.
  2. Upward rounding, downward rounding, round-to-nearest, and (for interval arithmetic) outward rounding.
  3. Numerical stability of expressions (e.g. avoiding subtraction of almost equal numbers).
  4. The condition number of a computation.
  5. Elementary interval arithmetic.
  6. The mean value form for an interval enclosure for a function.
  7. Why partial pivoting is required in Gaussian elimination.
  8. Definition and elementary properties of vector norms.
  9. Definition and elementary properties of derived matrix norms.
  10. Equivalence of norms in n-space.
  11. The condition number of a matrix.
  12. The form of the Lagrange interpolating polynomial.
  13. The form of the Newton interpolating polynomial.
  14. The error formula for an interpolating polynomial, both as a divided difference and in terms of a derivative.
  15. Hermite interpolation and more general interpolation as limiting cases of Newton interpolation.
  16. Computing Hermite interpolants with a divided difference table.
  17. Failure of interpolation with equi-spaced points for Runge's function.
  18. The midpoint bisection algorithm and its convergence.
  19. Line searches. (Be prepared to do a simple one-dimensional line search as described on pp. 257-259. You may want to look up golden section search in other texts, too.)
  20. The multivariate Newton method and its convergence (or lack thereof).
  21. The Krawczyk operator for nonlinear systems of equations.
  22. Descent methods with line searches: