Math.  362-03 , Spring, 2019 Required Work

Instructor: R. Baker Kearfott, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Office hours and telephone, Email:

Assignments from Wiley Plus will be given on each section, and written homework to be handed in will be given roughly once per week.  Students are also urged to read the material before it is discussed in class, so  intelligent questions can be asked (as necessary), and so  class participation will be meaningful. A common rule of thumb is that at least two hours of study will be spent outside of class for each hour of study spent in class.

Math 362-03, Spring, 2019 Grading Policy

         Wiley plus homework:        15%

Hand-in homework: 15%
     Tests:                      45%

         Final Exam:                 25%

All students will be required to take the final exam
You may estimate your letter grade from:
         90%-100% = "A";
         80%-89%  = "B";
         65%-79%  = "C";
         50%-65%  = "D";
         <50%     = "F".