This page will change throughout the semester.
Note: Previously given exams are available below in Postscript format, that can be printed with a Postscript printer. The files can also be viewed and printed with Ghostscript and GSview. I have also made the exams available in Adobe Acrobat format.
The exam will be on Tuesday, March 27. Following Prof. Guillory's
original announcement, the exam will cover material from sections 13.3
through 14.3 of the text. Also, following Prof. Guillory's original
announcement, the exam will consist of problems from the syllabus.
copy of the third exam
Acrobat (PDF) copy of the third exam
to Problem 1
to Problem 2
to Problem 3
The Fourth Exam:
The exam will be on Friday, April 20, and will consist of four problems
dealing with multiple integration (Chapter 15 of the text). One of
the problems will be exactly a problem from the syllabus, while the other
three problems will be similar to problems on the syllabus. Consistent
with Prof. Guillory's policy, the exam will be closed-book, but you will
be allowed a 3 inch by 5 inch note card.
copy of the fourth exam
Acrobat (PDF) copy of the fourth exam
to Problem 1
to Problem 2
to Problem 3
to Problem 4
The Final Exam:
The exam will be on Wednesday, May 2, 2001 between 1:30 and 4:00 PM.
It will be closed-book, but you may bring a 3 inch by 5 inch note card
with you to class. The problems will be similar to problems on the
syllabus or problems I have given on exams in this sections or in sections
I have taught in previous semesters. You may wish to pay particular
attention to the following items: