Math. 302-02, Fall, 2001 Hints for the Exams

Instructor: R. Baker Kearfott, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Office hours and telephone, Email:

This page will change throughout the semester.

/ The First Exam / The Second Exam / The Third Exam / The Fourth Exam / The Fifth Exam / The Sixth Exam /The Final Exam /

Note:  Previously given exams are available below in Postscript format, that can be printed with a Postscript printer.  The files can also be viewed and printed with Ghostscript and GSview. I have also provided Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copies.

The First Exam:
Postscript copy of the first exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the first exam
First exam answers, page 1
First exam answers, page 2
First exam answers, page 3
The Second Exam:
The exam will be closed-book, and will be on Friday, September 21.  It will cover the material in Chapter 12 of the book, including displacement vectors, velocity and acceleration, the dot product, and the cross product. Pay particular attention to the word problems, such as numbers 12-15 on page 75 of the text, the concept of work, and equations for planes.
Postscript copy of the second exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the second exam
Second exam answers, page 1
Second exam answers, page 2
Second exam answers, page 3

The Third Exam:
The third exam will be closed-book, and will be on Tuesday, October 9.  It will cover the material in Chapter 13 of the book.  Here are some hints:

Postscript copy of the third exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the third exam
Third exam answers, page 1
Third exam answers, page 2
Third exam answers, page 3
Third exam answers, page 4

The Fourth Exam
The fourth exam will be closed-book, and will be on Friday, November 9, 2001.  It will cover the material in Chapter 14 of the book.

Postscript copy of the fourth exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the fourth exam
Fourth exam answers, page 1
Fourth exam answers, page 2
Fourth exam answers, page 3
Fourth exam answers, page 4

The Fifth Exam
The fifth exam will be closed-book, and will be on Monday, November 12, 2001.  It will cover that part of the material in Chapter 15 of the book that is listed on the syllabus.  You will need to:

Postscript copy of the fifth exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the fifth exam
Fifth exam answers, page 1
Fifth exam answers, page 2
Fifth exam answers, page 3
Fifth exam answers, page 4

The Sixth Exam
The sixth exam will be closed-book, and will be on Tuesday, November 27, 2001.  It will cover that part of the material in Chapters 16, 17, and 18 of the book that is listed on the syllabus.  You will need to:

Postscript copy of the sixth exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the sixth exam
Sixth exam answers, page 1
Sixth exam answers, page 2
Sixth exam answers, page 3
Sixth exam answers, page 4

The Final Exam
The final exam will be closed-book, and will be on Tuesday, December 4, 2001, at 7:30 AM.  Pay particular attention to the following items:

Postscript copy of the final exam
Adobe Acrobat (PDF) copy of the final exam
Final exam answers, page 1
Final exam answers, page 2
Final exam answers, page 3
Final exam answers, page 4
Final exam answers, page 5
Final exam answers, page 6
Final exam answers, page 7